Monday, January 31, 2011

February 1

The pacing guide asks us to read "American History", a story on page 565 of the Blue Book. We'll start that today. Then we will some investigating about the assassination of President Kennedy in 1963.

January 31

First we'll discuss some new rules, then SSR for twenty minutes.
Lastly we will do an activity connected to Fred Korematsu Day.

At the main high school we have a new printer that can create posters, 13" x 19". On our computers we have a program called Microsoft Publisher that can help you make such posters. I'd like you to try. The goal would be to print a few of the best posters tomorrow. The theme of the posters would be Heroes of Liberty. I'd like you to focus on key people like:
Rosa Parks
Nelson Mandela
Fred Korematsu
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Cesar Chavez

And particular times:
the Civil Rights Movement
the Movement for Women's Rights
The Gay Rights Movement
Japanese Internment or perhaps discrimination against Muslim Americans today
The Farm Worker Movement

You'll need to do some quick reading but most of your time should be spent on the poster itself.

Friday, January 28, 2011


We should finish the story today. Then we'll go to the lab and do the questions from Wednesday (see below for the questions) and one activity connected to the story from the Blue book.
Bring a blue book to the lab.

Last work on this story is on page 514. Type your answers on Google docs and save as LastNameTHUNDER3.

Do questions 3-6.

If time work on your research papers. We will get back to those on Monday.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

January 26

We will continue to read the Thunder story aloud in class. And I will ask three more questions.
We will do 20 minutes of SSR. Remember that SSR is being graded this semester. You can fill one piece of paper instead of reading for credit. Those not reading get no points for this. Reading represents about 50% of your grade in June.
I processed all the papers you gave me yesterday. Many of you had wrong answers for one or more questions. As you know you get zero credit on assignments until they are right. So please fix your errors and resubmit them to me for credit. We'll only be in the lab for about 15 minutes so you'll need to hustle to get today's questions done.

January 25

First thing today we will get back to reading that story that we are required to read. We'll begin on page 500.

Then we will go to the lab. You will answer three questions about the reading we just did, then you will go back to work on the research projects.

Monday, January 24, 2011

January 25

Today I want you to make progress on your research reports. This will cause some problems between us. Please be polite when you tell me I'm tormenting you.
I will be acting as your editor. I will strive to give you feedback intended to improve your writing and thinking skills. In doing this I will make demands on you that you might not like.
By Thursday I would like you to:
1. Produce a Works Cited with four entries including at least one book and one magazine article.
2. Learn about your topic. Many of you have already written copiously about your subject based upon prior knowledge. The purpose of this paper is to push you to learn things you didn't already know and to produce an interesting document that your classmates would want to read. This means reading about your subject--and not just Wikipedia. Books, magazines and longer treatments are crucial.
I want to emphasize that at this point my goal is QUALITY NOT QUANTITY. I expect to ask all of you to rewrite and improve what you have done to date.
I will be reviewing your sources. If I think your sources are UNRELIABLE OR SUPERFICIAL (Wikipedia is superficial most of the time) I will require that you add other sources.

January 24

January 24
I'm going to ask all classes to write me a note again. I hope this is acceptable. I will distribute a syllabus to all students. And we will, of course, do 20 minutes of silent reading. I have some new rules governing SSR which I will describe. Finally we will begin some reading. The story they want us to read is on page 498: "Sound of Thunder".
If we can get our next novel then your homework will be to read the first 20 pages.

Students will be able to analyze literature in terms of mood and tone
Students will be able to evaluate informational material in terms of argument

January 24

New rules for silent reading:

You can, of course, read. You will receive credit for that.

Or you can write. Fill one piece of paper for each twenty minute SSR. Write whatever you like. I won’t read it unless you ask me to. You can, if you wish, simply copy words out of a book. This is the alternate way to receive credit.