Monday, February 28, 2011

February 28

We'll begin with silent reading, then move on to this month's topics:

1. Read "The Odyssey" by Homer.

2. Write a "Response to Literature"

We'll begin by having you do a little writing. This requires 300+ words in 4 or more paragraphs. I'd like you to imagine that, the day you graduate from high school, you set out on a voyage that will last two years. We'll assume that you have several thousand dollars saved, enough to keep you travelling for the full time. Where would you go? What kinds of things would you expect to happen to you? Who would you meet? Structure your writing this way:
First paragraph - intro (just a short, general talk about why you chose to go to these places)
Second paragraph - description of one place you went. What kinds of adventures did you have?
Third paragraph - description of one person you met on your voyage
Fourth paragraph - conclusion. Did you enjoy the voyage? Was it a good thing or a bad thing?

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