Monday, January 24, 2011

January 25

Today I want you to make progress on your research reports. This will cause some problems between us. Please be polite when you tell me I'm tormenting you.
I will be acting as your editor. I will strive to give you feedback intended to improve your writing and thinking skills. In doing this I will make demands on you that you might not like.
By Thursday I would like you to:
1. Produce a Works Cited with four entries including at least one book and one magazine article.
2. Learn about your topic. Many of you have already written copiously about your subject based upon prior knowledge. The purpose of this paper is to push you to learn things you didn't already know and to produce an interesting document that your classmates would want to read. This means reading about your subject--and not just Wikipedia. Books, magazines and longer treatments are crucial.
I want to emphasize that at this point my goal is QUALITY NOT QUANTITY. I expect to ask all of you to rewrite and improve what you have done to date.
I will be reviewing your sources. If I think your sources are UNRELIABLE OR SUPERFICIAL (Wikipedia is superficial most of the time) I will require that you add other sources.

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