Monday, January 31, 2011

January 31

First we'll discuss some new rules, then SSR for twenty minutes.
Lastly we will do an activity connected to Fred Korematsu Day.

At the main high school we have a new printer that can create posters, 13" x 19". On our computers we have a program called Microsoft Publisher that can help you make such posters. I'd like you to try. The goal would be to print a few of the best posters tomorrow. The theme of the posters would be Heroes of Liberty. I'd like you to focus on key people like:
Rosa Parks
Nelson Mandela
Fred Korematsu
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Cesar Chavez

And particular times:
the Civil Rights Movement
the Movement for Women's Rights
The Gay Rights Movement
Japanese Internment or perhaps discrimination against Muslim Americans today
The Farm Worker Movement

You'll need to do some quick reading but most of your time should be spent on the poster itself.

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